Delivering the highest quality dairy products since 1946


Pagel Family Recipes- Auntie Pie Dough There’s nothing more American than apple pie. As you celebrate the 4th of July, try our family pie dough recipe! Do you top your apple pie with cheddar cheese or ice cream? Either way, look for the Proudly Wisconsin Dairy ™ or Proudly Wisconsin Cheese Badge™ on your dairy Pagel Family Recipes – Auntie Pie Dough

Grandam Garnet’s Cheese Casserole 8 oz grated sharp cheddar cheese (We recommend Ron’s Wisconsin Cheese, LLC 1 year cheddar.) 8 slices of bread, buttered (Look for the Proudly Wisconsin Dairy ™ badge.) 3 or 4 eggs 2 cups of milk (Look for the Proudly Wisconsin Dairy ™ badge.) ½ tp salt 1 tsp dry mustard Pagel Family Recipes – Cheese Casserole

May is National Beef Month! What better way to celebrate than with a juicy Ponderosa Farmstead Steak? Read more to find out how to grill the perfect steak. Rare: Bring your thumb to your pointer finger.  The flesh area, right below your thumb should feel a little firmer than it would if your hand was How do you like your steak?

“Caring Through a Crisis”  Written by: Jamie Pagel Witcpalek The true strength of a community is demonstrated by the support we lend to one another, in good times and bad.  Based on my family’s personal experience, we were surrounded by kind words, prayers, food, and friendship during the most difficult time of our lives. Now, Caring Through a Crisis

Madison, Wis (March 5, 2019)- Pagel’s Ponderosa Dairy, LLC, Kewaunee dairy farm and farmstead cheese producer, received a bronze medal for their Farmstead Cheese Curds at the World Championship Cheese Contest. The contest was held March 3-5 at Monona Terrace in Madison, WI. “We are very excited and humbled by our ranking,” said Ben Shibler, Local Family Farm’s Cheese Curds Recognized Globally